Secwépemc Cultural Production

riverpeoplenationstatepeople opening ceremonies, photo credit Alex Mey

riverpeoplenationstatepeople is a permanently evolving set of displays, revisions, questions and responses for attaching Kamloops’ history to a practice of self-evaluation. A campaign for using the unique space and tools of the Kamloops Museum and Archives as a sounding board for voices from Kamloops’ oldest and newest cultural communities.

Secwépemc Cultural Production

Permanent Exhibition | Floor Three

Permanent display doesn’t mean forever. The KMA’s third floor displays is an ever-evolving series of exhibitions that reflect our shared and lived experience together as a community.

This section of the riverpeoplenationstatepeople exhibition is currently in transition. The Kamloops Museum and Archives are collaborating Tkʼemlúps te Secwépemc to identify additional research and learning that must occur to ensure cultural belongings are being cared for and presented respectfully and properly.

The Kamloops Museum and Archives appreciate your patience.

Please get in touch with [email protected] for updates on the progress of the KMA’s repatriation, research, and consultation.

If you need emotional or crisis support, contact the 24-Hour National Crisis Line at 1-866-925-4419 or access a crisis support.

We invite you to deepen your understanding of Indigenous cultures by visiting the Secwépemc Museum and Heritage Park

Learn More

The Kamloops Museum and Archives operates as part of the City of Kamloops, on Tk̓emlúps te Secwe̓pemc territory within the traditional and unceded lands of Secwépemc Nation, Secwepemcúĺecw.

If you encounter any image or content you believe to be inappropriate, please get in touch with us at [email protected] or (250)828-3576

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