The Archives

KMA Photo Collection #4433 – The KMA staff and board at the opening of the current KMA building.

The Kamloops Museum and Archives operates as part of the City of Kamloops, on Tk̓emlúps te Secwe̓pemc territory within the traditional and unceded lands of Secwépemc Nation, Secwepemcúl’ecw.

Learn About Our Commitment To Ethical Stewardship

The KMA Archives

The Archives | Floor Two

The Kamloops Museum and Archives preserves and shares the rich history of Kamloops and the surrounding region through an extensive collection of photographs, documents, and artifacts.

The Archives provides a quiet, comfortable space for exploration, with curatorial staff available for assistance. We invite you to explore and immerse yourself in the stories that have shaped our vibrant community.

Learn more about the Archives

Archive Hours

Tuesday – Friday: 1:15pm – 4:00pm
Saturday: By Appointment
Sunday & Monday: Closed

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