Educational Programs

Photo Copyright City of Kamloops

The Kamloops Museum and Archives operates as part of the City of Kamloops, on Tk̓emlúps te Secwe̓pemc territory within the traditional and unceded lands of Secwépemc Nation, Secwepemcúl’ecw.

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Educational Programs At The KMA

Questions and comments can be directed to the KMA’s general email address, [email protected] or call 250-828-3576.

At the Kamloops Museum and Archives, we provide enriching and educational experiences for young learners. We design our School and Daycare educational programs to spark curiosity and foster a love for history, art, and culture through interactive, hands-on activities. Aligned with educational curriculums, our programs offer children a unique opportunity to explore the past and understand the world around them in an engaging and meaningful way.

Join us for a journey into the rich heritage of Kamloops, where learning comes to life.

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